
Princess Luna is my protector !! She hasn't given me any name other than Princess Luna. She appeared as her in My Little Pony to watch over me (Sweetie Belle), but she also has other appearances such as Mona Megistus, Mahiru Koizumi, Rem (Death Note), Mami Tomoe, and the Marionette. She protects me and wards off demons. I remember one specific event where demons were attacking my dreams and Luna protected me. I vividly remember seeing her wings and this greenish-yellowish-purplish light and tons of stars all over my room !!! I love Luna sooo much.

Monomari is my Head Angel. I have a few other angels that haven't made themselves known to me, but I know they're there. However 4 years ago, Monomari and I met. She sorta? Possessed me? To make a group of people worship her under the guise that it was me, but eventually she left control and now just watches over me and tests me. The thing wih Head Angels is that they are neutral about humans/vessels. They don't love them or dislike them, and they have no morals when it comes to them aside from if the vessel they're watching over is emotionally distressed. She is kinda like Michael from the Good Place except she's not a demon, she's an angel.
My angels talk to me (sometimes) and I talk to them a lot for guidance. Sometimes other ?Angels come and guide me but I don't really remember their names well :( Bwaaah that's all!! Maybe I can get some of my angels to speak here through me ^_^ That's all, baibai !!