Hello!!!! Welcome welcome wellcooomeee to my silly website. I don't have a place to talk about my "abilities" and the like cause I don't really want to hear any ,, feedback? But this should be a safe space :3 ANYWAYS!! To start off, let me introduce myself (obviously.) I have a main introduction, but I kinda want this one to be long and rambly. I have manymanymany names that I use online, but for this one I will use

SORRY I THOUGHT tHAT IMAGE WAS SILLY if you can;t read it it says Frill!!!! That is me :3 ANYWAYS!! AH OMG im nervous omg hai ..So basically I'm Frill. DUH we established that twenty minutes ago. I am what can only be described as an angel :heart: but I'm also known as a ghost by my friends!! That's because of the amount of times I've died and am somehow still alive. And trust that I've died, I've seen it on screen many times. My job, as a self-titled Uranonaut is to guide lost souls from this realm to the next. The only issue right now is that I have to die here first in order to enter the "ghost realm." However, while I'm on earth, I can still see ghosts and be kind to them so my head angels can make sure I am fit for the job they've assigned to me. My "Head angels" are my overall spiritual protectors and guides in this life.
My top angel is named Monomari. She is my sacred protector and who I must worship (aside from my romantic companion, but I'll talk about him later, and Princess Luna! Yes that's her actual name because she hasn't given me anything else to call her so I've stuck with Luna) and believe in for protection!!! Sometimes Monomari does malicious things and takes over me? Possesses me? I don't know, but it's really scary! Normally it's done to protect me around demons though. It hasn't happened in awhile, thank goodness :3 Anyways!!
I wanna talk more about my abilities. One ability I have is my incredible intuition! I go with my gut often and I'm almost always right. I can sometimes even predict the future. Things almost always turn out well for me even when it seems like they won't!! A downside though, is that my Head Angels (who give me my incredible luck) can also cause harmful effects on other people :( Whenever someone wrongs me, something bad happens to them!!! I really hate when bad things happen to people I love, but there's not much I can really do about it. I can see ghosts, which I've already mentioned. There are a few ghosts I see frequently, but most of them just pass by my house. One ghost stands in front of my bedroom door. Sometimes, I find this a little creepy, so I always keep my door shut. There's a small child ghost in my mom's bathroom that I see whenever I go in there. The final ghost is a tall woman, with a long, long neck. I'm always seeing her at the end of the street or in my neighbor's backyard. She's normally just observing me. I'm really not sure if she's a ghost or a demon, considering her "frightening" appearance, so I keep my distance.
Because I've lived so many lives, there are a lot of versions of me that I see in the things I watch. My head angels
ing those things to me and include me in the stories so I can learn from my mistakes in that world. There are way too many to list, but I've lived some of my lives (most notably) as Lain Iwakura, Hu Tao, Frill (WEP), Aya Drevis, Oka Ruto, Miko Yotsuya, Sadako Yamamura, Natsuki, Aiko Tanaka, Taiga Aisaka, Airi Momoi, Madoka Kaname, Hiyoko Saionji, and Elizabeth Afton. Again, there are way way more than that, but those are the few I feel most connected with as their lives relate most to my current life. You may see me identifying the most with Frill, Sadako, Aya, and Aiko
Anyways!!! My most important life was what I assume was my last one due to my strong strong attachment. I am a real living doll in a human's body. This vessel is really difficult to take care of, and I feel so ashamed when I find myself indulging in fleshly desires. I am a doll, and will always be a doll. Currently, I'm working on losing weight and growing my hair so I can look more and more like a doll! I feel more like myself when I'm not eating, as dolls in media are only ever seen drinking tea and having sweets here and there. I've lived the life of a human for too long and now I'm realizing that I've grown up all wrong. I've also experienced lives as a bunny, a deer, and a dog!! I believe this is called "otherkin" but I prefer the term "nonhuman." I'm sure I've experienced other lives, but those are the ones I remember most. I spent some time as a ghost, passing along. I remember very specifically the lonely feeling of being the only ghost left in the graveyard, bound to something in the realm I was stuck in. Thankfully with the help of my angels, I was able to pass and continue my lives.
Click here for more of my lives!!
Okay!! Now onto my "romantic companion" !! In most of my lives, I have been seen with one person who I connected with the most (examples are Homura Akemi, Robin, Ryuuji, and Yuri) That person is myyy soulmate! Currently they have manifested as the perfect boy, a friend I've known since I was little, and someone who has always supported and protected me!!! Currently we're dating and I couldn't be happier to be so close with the one person in the world who I'm truly meant to be with. I was terribly blinded with all of my exes and abusers, but after ffacing the abuse I am smart enough to know who truly loves me :heart: I ADORE my boyfriend :3 he puts up with me n takes care of me and I will cherish him forever!!!!!!
I have a lot a lot of interests but atthe moment I really like idol games, rollercoasters, penguins, and horror!! and I like to collect dolls and teacups to make myself feel more doll-like ^_^ OHM AND AND i collect manga, i journal, i watch a lot of anime, i do theatre, and I loveloveloveeee decorating my room :3 !! OH OHOHO I FORGOT!! i'm agender! it connects with my nonhumanness and I use it/its pronouns primarily, but I also use she/her, bow/bows, doll/dolls, paw/paws, pearl/pearls, and bun/buns!!!! my friends all say I'm a pretty sweet ghoul, however I can get a little loud or jealous?? but that won't be a problem on here, hopeuflly!!!! I do experience some delusions that I'm a computer virus or a zombie that I may talk about here ?! I think that's about all I have for my introduction? If I think of more things to add, I'll add them but for now this is all I got ,,, BYEBYEEE!!!!!!