WOAH HAI. Welcome to my little tribute to Poppins, an idol group I love that'll be disbanding as of March 17th, 2024. I found this group through the twitter of Kanon !! I fell in love with the group members right away and was eager to find their music, their live shows, and learn everything I could about them!! Their music is so fun and I really enjoyed hearing as they progressed. Their recent single, YukinikuMaturi!!Start!! is SOOO GOOD and became one of my top songs besides Mirai Balloon. I'll be so sad to see them go!! I need to work on archiving everything from their twitters just in case they go private or deactivate. I have a lot of Manami's media already saved, seeing as she is my Kamioshi of the group. AGH I'm so so sad about the group disbanding, but I'm excited to see what they do in the future. This group means so so much to me as the first idol group I truly got into. I love watching their lives on Youtube and seeing all the excited wotas with their lightsticks. I wish I could've gotten to see them live. I'LL MISSYOU POPPINS. I'm working on archiving their youtube videos and hopefully I can add it here soon !!
HAI . As of 3.16.24 I still haven't uploaded the videos on archive.org but I did save them!! Never fear ^_^